
The Nir Yeshiva of Kiryat Arba-Chevron is a Hesder/ Yeshiva Gevoha

established 50 years ago, pioneering the renewal of the Chevron Jewish community. Its solid foundations are Torah with Derech Eretz, mitzvoth with a connection to Klal Yisrael, in-depth study and active service in the IDF.

The Yeshiva’s outlook identifies our times as days of redemption, an ethos stemming from the Torah of the two giants – Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook Zt”l and his son, Rav Tzvi Yehuda Zt”l.

Rav Eliezer Waldman Zt”l, who was among the veteran students at Merkaz HaRav and studied under Rav Tzvi Yehuda, founded the Yeshiva together with Rav Yehoshua Rosen Zt”l and Rav Moshe Levinger Zt”l.  

Our vibrant Beit Midrash is led by Rabbi Eliezer’s son- Rosh Yeshiva Rav Noam Waldman Shlita, and our faculty is personable and caring, providing for a family atmosphere. We have thousands of alumni who take the values they have studied at Yeshiva with them everywhere they go.


The love of Torah is evident, as our students aspire to hone themselves into Torah scholars who spread the light throughout the Jewish world. The warm atmosphere makes for a strong bonding between friends, empowering them to act later in life in all fields of society. Our alumni – and many others influenced by our vision – have founded many settlements in Israel since our return to the Biblical lands post-1967. Many of the Yishuvim in Har Chevron, like Ma’on, Susia and Beit Chagai which later inspired the renewal of Jewish life in the Shomron as well – are populated largely by our alumni.

The Yeshiva, in its current format, has been functioning since 1972, but actually began inside the military compound in Chevron in 1968, before Kiryat Arba was established. The Nir yeshiva was the very first Torah institution in Har Chevron.

HaGaon Rav Dov Lior, Chief Rabbi of Kiryat Arba-Chevron, was appointed Rosh Yeshiva in 1976 and led the Yeshiva for many years together with Rav Eliezer Waldman Zt”l. Rav Lior has recently relocated to Jerusalem but still comes in to deliver shiurim in Halacha and machshava. 

Our Yeshiva has two tracks: students wishing to study for several years before their army service will join the Yeshiva Gevoha track, while those wishing to start their army service at the end of their second year will join the Hesder track. The Yeshiva, of course, stays closely and constantly in touch with the students during their period of service in the IDF.


Our Halacha Kollel prepares students for the exams issued by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate. The head of the Kollel is Rav Shalom Iluz, author of “Halacha Shlema”. Students are also able to complete a B.Ed. via the Herzog College program, hosted on our grounds. The Yeshiva’s impressive Torah library serves our students regularly, as well as local residents looking for rare books.

A special experience at our Yeshiva, for many years, has been the weekly Kabbalat Shabbat tefillot at Me’arat HaMachpela, the burial site of our nation’s patriarchs and matriarchs, which inspires our students every Shabbat for the entire week. Many local residents join the Yeshiva’s minyan and dance along to its Carlebach songs